Collection consists of 5 reels of silent, color 16 mm film, shot by Rebecca Freethey Viall between 1949 and 1951. The film primarily consists of home movies, including footage of the Brookline, Maine 1949 Centennial celebration, and family trips to Acadia National Park. Other footage includes scenes of Camp Roosevelt near Black Cap Mountain and the Deer Isle Bridge.
Viall, Rebecca Freethey Collection
Rebecca Freethey Viall Collection See the Collection

Primary Format and Extent:
film (1075 ft.) : si. col. ; 16m
Collection Date Range:
1949 – 1951
Collection consists of 5 reels of silent, color 16 mm film, shot by Rebecca Freethey Viall between 1949 and 1951. The film primarily consists of home movies, including footage of the Brookline, Maine 1949 Centennial celebration, and family trips to Acadia National Park. Other footage includes scenes of Camp Roosevelt near Black Cap Mountain and the Deer Isle Bridge.
Amateur films, Beaches, Bridges, Celebrations, Children, Churches, Coasts, Domestic animals, National parks and reserves, Parade, Sailboats, Swimming
Northeast Historic Film
Access is restricted; consult repository for detail.
Condition Governing Reproduction and Use:
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See for more information.
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