The collection consists of the Hohmann Family Home Movies, which include 54 reels of silent, color, Super 8 film, totaling approximately 4,200 feet. The films, which consist primarily of home movies and travelogues, were shot between 1950 and 1983 by Nancy Hohmann and her father, John Frederick Hohmann. They include scenes of Christmas and birthday celebrations, family vacations, and the bicentennial parade for the towns of Norway and Paris, Maine.
Hohmann, Nancy Collection
See the Collection
Hohmann, Nancy Collection

Primary Format and Extent:
film (4200 ft.): si. col.;Super 8
Collection Date Range:
1950 - 1983
The collection consists of the Hohmann Family Home Movies, which include 54 reels of silent, color, Super 8 film, totaling approximately 4,200 feet. The films, which consist primarily of home movies and travelogues, were shot between 1950 and 1983 by Nancy Hohmann and her father, John Frederick Hohmann. They include scenes of Christmas and birthday celebrations, family vacations, and the bicentennial parade for the towns of Norway and Paris, Maine.
Biographical/Historical Notes:
John Frederick Hohmann (1912-1993) lived in Park Ridge, New Jersey and Wilton, Connecticut. He was married to Martha Hohmann. Nancy Hohmann is their daughter. Nancy Hohmann married Tom H. Chadbourne in 1969. They have three children, Seth, Adam and Alden.
Amateur films, Children, Christmas, Parade, Travel
Northeast Historic Film
Access is restricted;consult repository for detail.
Condition Governing Reproduction and Use:
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See for more information.
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