Wedding, UU Church, 2 of 2
Wedding, Unitarian Church, Glenda & Shelby, 2 of 2
Wedding, Unitarian Church, Glenda & Shelby, 2 of 2
A little of this, a little of that: music, dancing, a soliloquy.
Informal interview portraits of two close friends and a visitor.
This reunion was a special event organized in part because Byllye Avery was coming to the area to speak at a nurse’s convention. It was held at Crone’s Cradle. Culver arranged to have at least two cameras covering it and someone on audio. Unfortunately, so far the audio has not turned up. 4 of 4
Wedding, Unitarian Church, Glenda & Shelby, 1 of 2
Pride Week, 1992, Gainesville gay activists gathered at night with flashlights and painted a wall that ran along a major highway. This footage focuses on the mural that resulted.
Pans of the highway wall that Gainesville lgbtq\ activists painted after dark during for Pride, 1992
Long Leaf, 20th Anniversary
Early Major Gainesville Gay Dance for Men & Women