Up Is Down
A short animated film that presents a study of an unconventional young boy who is temporarily persuaded to accept others’ viewpoints as his own. Dedicated to Martin Luther King, Jr.
A short animated film that presents a study of an unconventional young boy who is temporarily persuaded to accept others’ viewpoints as his own. Dedicated to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Two animated outtakes from Up is Down, including two shots of the blue boy standing on his hands on top of the table. In the second shot, the camera zooms-in, his pants are pulled off revealing his bottom, and he turns from blue to pink. Appears to be duplicate footage (but more faded) of F.2010-01-0329.
Two animated outtakes from Up is Down, including two shots of the blue boy standing on his hands on top of the table. In the second shot, the camera zooms-in, his pants are pulled off revealing his bottom, and he turns from blue to pink. Appears to be duplicate footage (but more faded) as F.2010-01-0330.