Category Archives: film

Guatemala, 1932

Title, ‘Costa Rica, Billy the Ant Eater.’ Woman’s legs and small animal on ground. Title, ‘Nicaragua, Where More U.S. Marines were ruined by Boredom like this than were killed by Sandino.’ Ox cart. Bird. Title, ‘Landing’ on the west coast of Central American is an airy processing. San Jose, Guatemala.’ Freight hammock. Street (Pearson?), taxis.

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Nice, Algiers, Paris. Reel 2.

Title, ‘Florence–Eastertime Procession of the Holy Light.’ Parade. ‘Easter Monday Procession Signa (near Florence).’ // Date from edge code. // Men with banners. ‘Paris in the Rain and Home.’ Views of monuments and ‘Opera Ships’. Statue of Liberty. Manhattan from water. Tugboats.

[Asiatic Potters, 1938-1939]

Appears to be part of 0291.0015. // Film on Puri leper potters and their methods. Japan. Calcutta. Pegu, Burma; Kuala Lumpur, Bienhoa, French Indochina; Annam. // Original footage is 240 feet of 16mm film. Film donated to Human Studies Film Archives in exchange for 3/4 inch video master. Transfer done at 18 fps. // 3/4

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Blue Hill Class Reel 1

Date from edge code on film. // About 20 people in chairs draw people on lawn. Cow is led about in front of them. Shot is from rear of students. Boy climbs on donkey and is led about. Large sheep. Woman looks at student work. Little girl with big hair ribbon draws. Man carries sheep

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Blue Hill Class Reel 2

Date from edge code on film. // Pekinese dogs on lawn. Asian girl, about 5 years old, gestures, dressed in robe. Waters flowers. Goose. Boy does somersault on lawn, plays in sprinkler. Croquet. Fowl. Sea birds. Cats on footstool outside. Oxen and hay (poor exposure). River, fishing. Pig. Hummingbird. Cow. Calf. Fowl. Ducks in pond.

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