Sold Sunsets: Prep
Two dear friends prep for a video Corky is about to make as part of a campaign to save a piece of land.
Two dear friends prep for a video Corky is about to make as part of a campaign to save a piece of land.
Scribe Tribe writers group reading
“Dialogues in the Danger Zone” is a video Corky made for a university English Department’s Diversity Conference.
Corky is interviewed at her home by Jessica Lancia, Ph.D. , for a University of Florida oral history project, Part 2 of 2.
Moral Hazard, a women’s band from Atlanta, plays for gay pride in Gainesville, Florida; water videos; gay rights hearing.
Wonderful interview with a wonderful translator. Write for more information and permission to view.
“When We Dead Awaken,” an Amazon opera on Amelia Earhart.
Rare footage of an early Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival that particularly focuses on members of the Aradia Collective & also catches up with collective members at home in Grand Rapids and at play on the shores of Lake Michigan.
Outtakes from Jere Van Syoc’s home movies as well as footage of her Aradia and Thomas Jefferson College projects & hijinks.
A memoir on film, “The Brothel, The Temple, and Art” tells the story of sculptor and filmmaker Jere Van Syoc’s life in art and high play.