Category Archives: film

Gainesville Women’s Health Movement Reunion, 1993, 2 of 4

The reunion was a special event organized in part because Byllye Avery was coming to the area to speak at a nurse’s convention. It was held at Crone’s Cradle. Culver arranged to have at least two cameras covering it and someone on audio. Unfortunately, so far the audio has not turned up.   2 of 4

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Gainesville Women’s Health Movement Reunion, 1993, 1 of 4

This reunion was a special event organized in part because Byllye Avery was coming to the area to speak at a nurse’s convention. It was held at Crone’s Cradle. Culver arranged to have at least two cameras covering it and someone on audio. Unfortunately, so far the audio has not turned up. 1 of 4

Prairie Journal, Edited

Prairie Journal.  Culver’s beautiful funny narration accompanies her goodby-for now visit to Payne’s Prairie. A classic.

Work Co-op, c. 2002

A group of friends who regularly scheduled communal work sessions cut down a tree in a friend’s yard.